I turned pale

Yajima Maimi
March 05, 2019

It can't be…‼︎ lol

On my way home, while wearing earphones, I was checking °C-ute songs that I would sing for Shima Shima theater on YouTube inside a train、、、。

When the song reached its chorusthe girl beside me、、、

said hi、、、、the sound、、、aren't the earphones connected?(・Д・)…‼︎

No wayーー_| ̄|○

It was extremely embarrassing
I tried to turn the volume off but I was shakingso I lost control of my hand and the volume increased more and more…:(;゙゚'ω゚'):

Moreover, I turned pale💦

Lately my earphones had been acting weird so I bought new ones but still no goodー(;ω;)💦 Why💦

I wonder if there is something wrong with the functionality of my smart phone💦

Even though everyone was aware of the music playing, they listened without saying a word until the song reached its chorusー…

I want to be relieved from my embarrassmentso I tried writing it on my blog。lol

Thank you for getting alongーm(._.)m

source: https://ameblo.jp/yajima-maimi-official/entry-12444676684.html
