Singing while taking a bath!
Ono Mizuho
March 09, 2019
It's me, Ono Mizuho

Thank you for you likes and comments!
Today, we had a mori takusan kai in Heiwajima〜!
It was our first time to hold an event there!
Tokyo Ryutsu Center!!
There was a window in the waiting room, so I was happy being able to feel the sunlight lol
Is it because I met everyone at our release events in a daily basis?
It's feels like it had been a long time since I met everyone at mori takusan kai today〜。
There's one more thing I was happy about、
There were a lot of people who said I came here to see you because you were asking on your blog if we could make it here lol
Of course it doesn't mean that they can come immediately so I guess they are just trying to say that they read my blog but、、、I was happy they read my blog and that there were many people watching☺︎
Thank you!
I read your comments everyday!!
I'm always waiting for your comments〜!
The pose

This pose reminds me of Kiso-chan's image lol
Baikisoraan lol
I already took a bath today。
I practiced singing the songs I would perform tomorrow a lot while taking a bath!
No matter how many times I do it, I'm still worried lol
How I wish the more I practice the more confident I would become!
But I have a strong feeling that tomorrow's gonna be fun!
During today's hand shake event, I received a lot of words of encouragement
I met a lot of people who said they will come see me tomorrow
I will sleep early today。
Thank you for coming to see me today☺︎
I really had fun being able to talk a lot。
There were also people who came for the first time today!
I feel super happy that every time, there are people who come for the first〜。
I think you've become interested in Tsubaki and me!
Please be sure to come see us again!!



Every Saturday 1:00am
With Miyazaki Yuka of Juice=Juice
It's a program where I work as a navigator

For impressions, messages & your personal experience with SATOYAMA&SATOUMI
You may send it to
I will be waiting

Tsubaki Factory's 5th single goes on sale on February 27th
Release events for "Sankaime no deeto shinwa/Fuwari koi dokei" have been decided
For more information please check the official website!

The music videos are now available for viewing

Will you be there tomorrow〜???
That's all!Ono Mizuno ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
For reference, "Mori Aakusan Kai refers to an event that involves many activities with the fans/attendees.