Thank you for coming to our events!
Ogata Risa
March 24, 2019
Good Evening
Its me、Ogata Risa(^.^)
Tsubaki Factory appears in magazine「Up to Boy Vol.277 May Edition」

We had an SP disc bonus handshake and mori takusan events today

It felt like it had been a long time since we had these kind of events in Osaka

Moreover, there were polaroids taken in the event he had in Tokyo the other day where we wore school uniforms so during the random polariod signing event...
I was able to show what it looked like to people who had not been there and wanted to the see us in our uniforms

Those polariods are...very springlike isn'tーー!!lol
When I was in high school、my friends gave me an album with messages in it as a birthday present
I remembered the album's front cover was a polariod taken in our school garden!
It's nostalgicー

I kinda feel that once a polaroid comes out it becomes a "memory" so I love it!!
Please treasure itーー

Actually、today was the last day of our mori takusan events for 5th single

So our mini live performances, mori takusan and all events for our 5th single ended todayーー!!!
We started to hold events in the middle of the month and before I knew it、March is about to end
1 year feels like a blink of an eye、right〜

We'll still have upcoming Spring Tour so I'm excited to be able to meet everyone againーー
A photo together with Akiyama Mao-chan、who born in Osaka

Well then
Ogata Risa
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