3rd Anniversary
Funaki Musubi
March 09, 2019
As I look back at the blog update I made on 2018 March 9th, I wrote
「I want to do YanaFuna event again」
「There is a song I want the two of us to sing together」
「This time, I don't want it to be postponed due to mumps」
I was able to do the 3 things I wished for that I couldn't believe it!
Especially the 3rd oneðŸ˜lol
Also, it's because of the many people who supported me that I safely reached our 3rd anniversary
Thank you very much!!!
I as silently think about think it, different girls with different ages and hometowns but with the same dream, gather to same place by chance
And by chance alone, great people chose us
That's what Yanamin also said
I wonder when she said it

Or, is it really like what people say, that YanaFuna met each other by fate!?lol
source: https://ameblo.jp/countrygirls/entry-12445580693.html?frm=theme
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