I like the smiling sun!

Akiyama Mao
March 06, 2019

Good eveningeveryone
It's me, Akiyama Mao😚😉

Will it be a fine weather tomorrow????☀️
The sun and smiling people make me happy

Today、、、、Tsubaki Factory appeared in TBS Radio「Afutaa 6 Jankusyon」!!

This was our 2nd time

Thank you for inviting us🙇‍♀️

Being able to do a live performance during a radio program makes me really happy!!!!

I was nervous but I enjoyed it very much!!

I hope we can perform there again。。。♡

Ah, to those who listened to the radio program, how was it??🙋‍♀️😚

We appeared from 7:00pm~7:30pm

I wonder how our live performance at the studio was??

To those who listened, I would like to hear your opinions🙇‍♀️

Weird pose

Yesterdaythe three of us took a lot of photos😚

I was like wahhhh, kyaaaa as I laughed and had fun😂Ahaha

We took about 70 photos of us fooling around lol

Todaycan you tell me what parts of Fuwari Koidokei you like??🤔

I like that 2:18 mark where Ogata Risa-chan tilts her neck!!!

Do you get it??(^^)

From now onI will say the parts that I like once in a while so please let me know yours🙋‍♀️😂

I will be happy if you respond😆

Well then、、bye bye!!!!!!

Good night😪

source: https://ameblo.jp/tsubaki-factory/entry-12444881905.html
