Akiyama Mao
March 04, 2019
Good evening everyoーーne!
it's meーーー、Akiyama Mao
Reading your comments makes me smile

It's raining today〜
I hope it will stop soonーーー

Have you already checked Tsubaki's official book???(^^)
I will share off shots from time to time so please look forward to it。。❤︎
I checked it out on its release day on February 22nd

You'll get to see different facial expressions of the members!!!
I really hope you'll get a copy!!
Everyone in Tsubaki loves strawberry。❤︎
The other day、my grandma gave me it to me and I ate it with everyone

When I saw the inner part of the strawberry I put condensed milk in it、、
So far、I think I have only eaten strawberries that way once or twice?
I'm one if those who prefer it without condensed milk
I've noticed something

If you put milk, it becomes sweet and delicious!!!lol
I like it as it is but、I was able to notice that it's yummy even when with condensed milk

Challenges are important。
I feel at ease on leader's lap。

I want to watch a movie with Riko

I want to eat popcorn

Sorry for the short update
Thank you for reading!
Bye bye

source: https://ameblo.jp/tsubaki-factory/entry-12444366466.html
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