Akiyama Mao
March 02, 2019
Good evening everyoーーーーne!
It's me、Akiyama Mao

I feel sleepy

Ah、the answer to yesterday's question is ❶ice cream!!!
It's just right to have an ice after dancing

I was with、、、
Uemura Akari-san for a long time today too❤︎❤︎
There's a lot of places I want go with her so it felt like our conversation would neーーーーver end

I had fun

It makes me happy to think that I'll be able to meet everyone in Hello Project tomorrow too!!!
But、tomorrow also means the end of Hello Project concerts

Huh, it's too fastーーーー
It felt like a moment to me、、、I'm sad!!
I'll give my best so that I won't regret anything

And then、Nomura Minami-san was absent today

Sasaki Rikako-san、Normura Minami-san and I have been given a chance to sing 「Romance no tochuu」for NEW AGE performances!
I love them both♡♡(I love them!!)lol
That's why、I was happy when it was decided。

I remember I've been enjoying it since rehearsals〜
I'll write about the shuffle unit again、、

Thank you so much★
I love Sasaki-san and Nomura-san

I'll work on my singing and dancing more and more

Hurrayー、I'll do it!
A photo of me in pajamas、
It is included among the goods you may get through gashapon

Please try

I really had fun today❤︎
But I was nervous about many things

We'll still have things to do so I'll sleep early!!!
Good niーーーght

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