My blonde version
Akiyama Mao
March 01, 2019
Good evening everyoーーーne!!
It's me Akiyama Mao

I'm getting sleepy

Kiki-chan looks like a baby, she's cute、、

(this is our secret〜

Today、we had an event at LaQua〜
To everyone who came、thank you so much

It's getting warm lately、、
When I went outside、I was happy wondering if spring was about to come、、

I sang Shunrenka which was a perfect match for this day!
It had been a long time since I sang it during a release event〜
Singing Shunrenka made me remember how fun spring is and how excited I am for that season to come♡
There's only 1 left for our release events and mini live performances which will be held in Gifu prefecture!!so I want to enjoy it

I have an announcement to everyone

Tsubaki Factory、、、、
under Engeki Joshi Bu
will be starring in a stage play entitled
「Haruka Naru Toki Naka De 6 Gaiden~Tasogare No Kamen~」
which is based on the popular game『Haruka Naru Toki Naka De 6』!!
I'm nervous but really excited

I hope a lot of people will come to watch me!
In addition、I've been assigned for a male role!!!!!!
I was really surprised when I heard it but I will give my best for me to be able to show my cool side、even just a little

AhーーーーI'm nervous!!
At any rate、I'm happy being able to tell everyone about the stage play

Yamagishi Riko appears again

☝︎Her face gets funnier and funnier、isn't she cute
Time for a quiz!!!
What is that I am about to eat now at home?
❶Ice cream
Please try to guess it!
Riko was playing behind me、、♡
Ah、finally、、we'll have a Hello Concert tomorrow!!!!
I've been looking forward to itーーーーーーー

We'll be doing the NEW AGE version for the first time in a while★
To everyone in Gifu prefecture、please wait for me(^^)
Well then、bye bye

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